Thursday, June 7, 2012

Are you looking at me?

So it would appear that Scottish babies very much stand out over here.  First of all my brother has very pale skin and sandy ginger hair.  His name is Findlay, which means faired haired warrier.  He couldn't really look more scottish if he tried.  He's also very tall and rather noisy.  Mum knew that he would attract attention and it was explained to her that people in Turkey are quite "touchy-feely" when it comes to children so she new what to expect....and she was right.  Lots of men and women gently ruffle his hair when he runs past them in the street and a few rub his chin affectionately.  Mum has told him that if people ask for a kiss he should tell them he only kisses his Mummy and his Nanny and politely decline!
I don't think Mum expected to feel like we stand out so much, and its taken her a few days to realise why.  Firstly my pram faces my Mum.  We debated which pram to bring but in the end Mum and Dad decided that the parent facing one was going to be best, not realising how strange a concept this is.  The next eye catching thing on my pram would be my parasol.  Overly paranoid Mum has bought this rather large umbrella type thing to shade me from the hot sun..... apparently you don't do that over here and there are only a handful of prams with these on them (and most are with newborns in them).
 Next, bare feet on babies is not so common.  Mum is so fed up trying to keep little shoes on me, which are merely a fashion accessory, that she's given up.  And finally are the pretty dresses and clippies that Mum and I like to dress me in.  How strange that these are attracting so much attention.  Not that it will make my Mum change and dress me in shorts and t-shirts either.  She tells me how proud she is to have such stand out, attention grabbing children and how nice it is to walk down the avenue with us....even though she can't understand a single compliment that is paid to her!

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